Qualifications and Professional Memberships
- M.Eng (University of Sydney), B.E. B.Sc. C.P.Eng, NPER
- Fellow, Engineers Australia, FIEAust
- Member, Australasian Wind Engineering Society (AWES)
- Standards Australia Committee BD6-002 Wind Actions on Structures.
- AWES Committee for the Quality Assurance Manual for Wind Engineering.
- AWES Committee for the Wind Loading Handbook
- CTBUH Committee Member for Wind Engineering and Damper Design as well as Scientific Expert Peer Review Committee
- Visiting Lecturer, University of NSW
Tony has 30 years’ combined experience as both researcher and consultant in wind engineering including 26years with Windtech Consultants since its establishment in 1991. His postgraduate studies were on the subject of Reliability of Wind Tunnel Simulations. His research experience includes a sensitivity study of the various parameters that affect wind tunnel results and has published a number of papers on this subject. Prior to this Tony had researched the interference effect of neighbouring buildings on wind-induced vibration of tall/ slender buildings.
Tony Rofail has undertaken and supervised over 2,500 wind engineering studies including wind tunnel investigations for various high-rise buildings, large roof and stadium building projects around the world, including many landmark projects. Over the past 15years, Tony has developed innovative techniques in the study of the dynamic response of tall buildings that exhibit complex modal behaviour as well as the effect of rigid structural linkages between tall buildings
Tony is also able to provide unique innovative solutions to complex wind environment problems that do not adversely impact the architecture. Tony also has significant experience in the design and modelling of natural ventilation, wind noise, air quality, solar reflectivity, wind loads on façade elements, wind loads on ventilated facades, interference excitation of all buildings, design and commissioning of dampers for tall buildings and has presented at many conferences on these topics. Tony has assisted in legal cases as well as in the development of planning controls for a number of local government bodies.